
Join the Conversation

Discover Northumberland Park Neighbourhood Improvements, Join the Conversation. Have your say today and share your views on the future of your community. Powered by Commonplace, the leading community engagement platform.


Join the Conversation

We are at the very beginning of creating the Homes and Spaces Plan and want to hear your views on Northumberland Park. You are the local experts and know more about Northumberland Park and its need and assets than anyone else.

This feedback form will ask you some important questions about your area and the emerging resident priorities.

Your views are key to delivering change in the area and will help to ensure the priorities for improvement reflect the aspirations of the Northumberland Park community.

Tick the box at the end of the survey for your chance to win Sainsbury's vouchers of up to £150.

Please click here to read all about the Homes and Spaces Plan and then answer the following questions.

Proposed Priorities
New homes to meet the needs of the community 
Increased safety for residents and their homes 
Improved open space to enjoy, play, and socialise
Safe movement and routes
Well used spaces and buildings that serve the community 
Select one option